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hay ciertos puntos a tomar en cuenta cuando se tiene en manos una metodología ágil y quien mas que la vedette de las metodologías agiles: “Scrum”

The product owner job is incredibly difficult. Almost all people fulfilling the product owner role are surprised by how much work it is

El rol de product owner tiene ciertos problemas actualmente, no termina de ser bien asimilado y es uno de los mas combinables en Scrum. La similitud con un rol existente en diversas organizaciones llamado “Product Manager” hace que aparentemente el mismo no tenga sentido. Para sacar una conclusión sugiero leer esta interesante cadena de post en el siguiente vinculo.

Traditional methodologies provide answers to all problems, and this is why they don’t work—they assume a simplistic rather than a complex problem. They proceduralize answers; Scrum calls on the participants to use hard work and common sense.

The desire for a more formal, regular, advanced Scrum is normal. That is what our profession is all about and why we were drawn to it. We take complexity and normalize it into computer programs. Resisting doing the same to Scrum is extremely hard, but necessary, because the further development of Scrum to address individual or organizational difficulties is the death of Scrum and the birth of still another useless methodology.

Conclusiones?. Scrum es exigente, no resuelve problemas los expone (los resuelven las personas), no trates de normalizarlo (perderá la esencia), no adaptes algo que no conoces (modificarías tu auto antes de manejarlo por primera vez?) y paciencia un paso a la vez.

Farewell champions